Friendly Advice

This is friendly advice for customers, clients, and patrons of artists out there in the world. If you’ve come across this site, and then happen upon this page, please understand that this isn’t an attack. This is some real talk about how you conduct yourselves that might feel uncomfortable.

  1. Whispering anything about the work or the artist while in the presence or booth/tent/venue of them is rude.
  2. If after seeing a piece of artwork your first thought is that you don’t need to buy it because a family member or friend, who is an artist, could also do something similar, then you, my friend, have just let down that family member or friend in a very personal way. Most artists would be mortified to learn a family member thinks of art or their art making that way.
  3. You never have to say something when looking at art at a marker/booth. In fact, most artists would prefer that you didn’t try to add filler into the “silence.” We already know it’s “nice stuff” or “pretty” or “beautiful.” We are, however, okay with answering the “what’s your medium” or “what’s your process” if you can’t help yourself.