Market Bingo

It Defies Logic and Categorization

You’re going to have some slow days, low-profit days, or just crappy days when selling your work. I’m specifically talking about if you’re selling at regular markets like weekly farmers’ markets or artisan markets, which is one of my regular sources of income. It’s hard to shake them off; they make you question many of your life choices. If you’re feeling one of those coming on, and your vendor neighbors feel the same, it doesn’t mean you should all stew in your negative juices or feed off each other’s negative vibe to spiral downward – even though commiserating in that way sometimes just feels like the right thing to do.

How about playing a game of Market Bingo instead?!

It works like regular bingo, but the squares are filled with the things we commonly see and hear at these events that can get on our nerves, make us laugh, or just make us shake out head. A bingo card is 5 by 5, with the center space being a ‘free’ space that you get automatically. So you just need 24 things to fill in the other spaces and then mark them as they happen. My vendor neighbors and I don’t play for money or prizes, we just play for fun. Typically, the first one to get five-in-a-row wins, but your group can determine whatever rules you want before you start…there is literally no one that’s going to monitor your adherence to the National League of Bingo Players Rule Book (I really, really hope there is not such a thing, to be honest!)

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Here are some ideas for filling in your spaces…feel free to send me more ideas, I’ll add the really good ones to the list! This list and post were inspired by a slow-ish event and several fun vendor neighbors.

Market Bingo Card Square Ideas

Pick 24 from the list for a quick game

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  1. “How much does it cost to be here?”
  2. Drunk, stoned, or really weird behavior.
  3. “How do you make these?”
  4. “We’re on our first lap, we’ll be back around to buy”
  5. Bad dog peeing on tent/display
  6. “Do you have a business card?”
  7. Speaking to someone they’re with, “Oh, you could make that”
  8. A person talking on their phone in your booth not responding to a “hello”
  9. “Where do you get your supplies?”
  10. Walking around with a weird pet – think rats, lizards, parrots – like it’s no big deal
  11. “Oh this must be a fun hobby”
  12. Using your items like a school lesson. “Billy, what’s that? and what’s that? and what’s that?”
  13. “Oh, my [family/friend] makes these”
  14. Unsolicited weather forecast/prediction
  15. Silent response..they actually look at you when you say hello, but don’t reply.
  16. Weird response to your “hello” – a classic is them blurting out what you make
  17. “Are you going to be here tomorrow?”
  18. “Do you know what you should make?”
  19. “Do you have a store/shop”
  20. “Do you have a trash can?” Especially if you’re not playing with food vendors!
  21. Parents ignoring a tantrum in your booth
  22. “What other markets do you sell at?”
  23. Dog in a stroller
  24. “Sorry, I didn’t bring any money”
  25. Unsolicited photo. (I get photos “I should paint” all the time!)
  26. “Is this your only job?”
  27. “Do you sell online?”
  28. “I love these”, doesn’t buy anything
  29. “What do you do with these?” or “What are these for?”
  30. Tent malfunction
  31. Rained out after setting everything up

What would you add to this list? Leave a comment below.

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