The Camel’s Back and Inktober

It Defies Logic and Categorization

There’s not really an easy way to say this so I’ll just come right out with it: 2020 broke me. I mean it genuinely overwhelmed me to the point of a break down and manic episode that resulted in some truly stupid choices and mistakes on my part. It prompted me to cancel two weeks of events; thankfully I have superb, understanding market managers.

Simply put, the stresses from being compelled to earn a living from a very public-centric job during a global pandemic of an illness that has killed family and friends of people I know just became too much when combined with a selfish segment of the population, uncertain direction of country, slumping market sales, and a host of other things. I didn’t know how to back away from it all. I’m getting help from a professional to give me the tools I need to better manage this overwhelm and stress. I’m missing said tools, techniques, and life skills. They say creative-types take much of what goes on in the world personally, and I guess that’s true. It’s been building up, and a couple of weeks ago the camel’s back broke

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During this tough spot in my life, I was interviewed for a news story along with several other makers and artists. It’s about how we’re coping and trying to still make a living as artists that typically rely on the art market scene. My answers were probably more honest or at least less guarded that I would have otherwise given them for sure. I’m very appreciative that someone took the time to even consider the impact the pandemic has had on the arts at all. The article, in my opinion, lacked any impact or substance to really drive home the points about just how insane and uncertain the struggle for a living 2020 has been. There are so many factors, it’s such a big topic, but I didn’t get the impression from the article that 1) it was a big complex issue 2) it has been tough with many makers and artists having to drop out of the industry and seek alternative employment or 3) there’s a huge mental toll as well as a financial one taking place with a group typically more vulnerable to both. So, I’m going to write my own articles and see if I can get them published, if not, I’ll post them on this blog.

Not all has been bad for the month of October as I just completed Inktober 2020. Thanks to my friend Genna for being so amped to do this challenge. Her participation gave me someone to root for, and someone to be accountable to on those days I really felt I had nothing to offer. You should definitely go check out all her drawings on her Instagram after you look through mine ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Hey, thank you for taking the time to read this post, it means a lot to me to know that there are people out there not only reading this blog, but getting something useful out of it from time to time.

One response

  1. I hope you are feeling better soon, asking for help is, I think, the hardest part.

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